Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today is Kick Off day!!!!


Round 1, 2011 of the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation starts TODAY!!! 

So far I have had breakfast and a delicious lunch - had only half my usual sugar in my coffee - and spent 2 hours at the gym!

So far so good ..... ;-) .......


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patiently waiting ....

Well .... kind of.  I don't 'do' patiently very well ;-)!

The program for the first week of the 12WBT is out TOMORROW!!!!  YAY!!!

I can't wait!  AND to top it off - tomorrow is Day Care Day!!  So I can go and shop in peace!!  Hopefully.  Mast S hasn't been well - was sent home early from Day Care on Tuesday due to gunky eyes - he doesn't have conjunctivitis, just a bit of a cold (and his eyes always get a bit yuck with a runny nose).  But try and convince a Child Care worker that!!  Oh well.  Hopefully they can both go so I can get to the gym for a couple of hours and do my shopping! 

Haven't taken my measurements or my photo yet.  Im a little scared of what the results will be.  Suppose I just have to suck it up and JFDI!!

See you tomorrow for my thoughts on the week ahead!

For those who were wondering ... Yes ... I did eat the chocolate the other night and Yes it was lovely.  Lindt 70% Cocoa so a good quality Dark chocolate and I enjoyed every bit of it.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

So this is where it all begins ....

My journey to having a Sexy Ass for Summer.  Next Summer I mean .... too late for this summer ;-)!

Im all signed up to start the Michelle Bridges 12wbt starting next week - I have a copy of the Sweet Poison Quit Plan to help me get rid of my sugar addiction - I have my awesome gym clothes all worked out - a good pair of sneakers - an awesome heart rate monitor (which can nearly make my coffee - minus the usual sugar I normally put in it) - and the will to succeed.  Now to actually start .......

Hmmmm .... where exactly does one start when you have 25kgs to lose ...... might think about it while I eat the last of the chocolate that is in the house.  Can't let it go to waste!!!  ;-)