Saturday, April 30, 2011


A good friend of mine started her own blog today ... so now I have been inspired to give mine a little more Tender Loving Care ;-)!

We start week 11 of the 12WBT tomorrow!  Hasn't the time flow by fast!!

I am now ...... wait for it ........ 11.2kgs lighter than I was when I started!!  WOOHOO!!!  I have lost a total of 12.21% of my body weight.  And with only 2 weeks to go I have ... TOTALLY fallen off of the wagon!

Red wine, cheese and chocolate all consumed this evening.  Enjoyed .... but waaaaaaay too much of it consumed ;-)!  This is after a week where I have hardly been to the gym thanks to a sinus and chest infection!  ARGH!  Why of why do I always sabotage myself.  No one else has to do it - I do all the bad stuff to myself!

I've signed on for round 2 of the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation.  To get rid of the final kilos - BUT in order to succeed I am going to have to put in the hard work.  STOP sabotaging - get back into my running groove and JUST F____ING DO IT!!!

So thats me ...... how are you tonight? ..... how have the past 9 weeks been for you?  ;-)

See you again really, really soon.  For now I am putting down the cheese knife, putting the wine glass in the sink and I am going to bed to get away from all these temptations!!!
